Stealing Moments.....

January; for some, a time of new beginnings, doubling down on the areas where you think your time should be spent as the new year unfolds…….unless you got a puppy 4 days before Christmas ><. What I thought would be days upon days of incense-infused space, music playing while I lost myself applying oil paints to canvas, has turned into stolen moments during “Ernie’s” nap times to put a wash on a canvas, or slap down a rough sketch with the hope that once things settle, everything will be queued up to paint. I miss my painting days, but thankfully, puppies mature fairly quickly, and Ernie is a quick study…….and ridiculously sweet as you can see :). So this January, it’s all about Ernie……

Ernie napping…..XO

Ernie napping…..XO

The days between Fall and Winter......

The days between Fall and Winter are a metaphor for life as an artist. One day, the vibrant colours of the leaves, crisp air, clear blue of the sky dotted with clouds in a hurry to get somewhere, lights you up and you think, “I can paint anything”! The next, overcast with a bone-chilling wind blowing off the lake, and a greyness that seeps into you bones, invites introspection, and the thought that maybe, you just aren’t up to the task…..Both so necessary; the shadow, and the brilliant highlight…..

The poplars stood like a gaggle of girls

Gossiping as I walked by

Swaying slightly in the wind - a dance of intimates

I glance at the loon bucking in the brisk wind and frothing waves

How is it he (or is it a “she”), looks so calm

Amid the icy tumult

I am more like the loon - I think

But without the serenity

Maybe that is what the poplars are on about

Website launch today :D!!!!!!!

If you are reading this, well you are here!  Today is website launch day.  So grateful to Hannah Martin, and the talented folks at Sore Thumb (digital marketing company), for their help in getting this site up and running.  They are the best!!!!!!  One month today (August 10th & 11th), I will be exhibiting at the Baysville Arts & Crafts Festival!  Come visit if you will be in the neighbourhood :D!